These unique flowers are made from clear pop and water bottles! It's not all that difficult, but it does require a number of steps. If you're interested send me a reply - I'm thinking of making up complete instruction sheets with photos to sell at a nominal fee. We'll see how much interest there is. I sold these flowers in bunches at The Cabbagetown Festival Craft Show in Toronto a few years ago - huge success. I'd also like to secure a craft book contract for this project with Lark books for example...but I need to prove there's interest.
PS - They are weather proof...I've had a bunch outside in a pot all year round for 5 years now...colours are still good, but some of the metal wire is rusty looking...not bad for a recycle-no/low cost project!
YOU MUST SEND ME YOUR ADDRESS AND $3 TO COVER POSTAGE AND PHOTOCOPYING - THE INSTRUCTIONS ARE NOT ONLINE - SORRY (it's 7 pages long and has drawn instructions I am not able to put on this site)
YOU MUST SEND ME YOUR ADDRESS AND $3 TO COVER POSTAGE AND PHOTOCOPYING - THE INSTRUCTIONS ARE NOT ONLINE - SORRY (it's 7 pages long and has drawn instructions I am not able to put on this site)
Cool, cool, cool. I love these bright and wonderful recycled flowers.
I love 'em ... instructions would be good ...
Could you post instructions please? I love the flowers and would love to make them!
I would love instructions! Those are so cute!
Wow Would Love to see how it i done. I am always upcycling. Please post/send instructions.
hi, these are great! i teach recycle art to kids in the UK. could you send me instructions please?
check out what i make/teach at www.re-collect.net
all the best, katcha
I love these! I am an elementary art teacher in Atlanta, Ga and would love to know how you made these. Can you send me the directions?
Hi, I'd love a copy of your flower instructions, please. They're super!
I am in charge of table centerpieces for the Spring Carnival at my son's school. I would love more information...especially how you curl the petals and about the paint.
I also would like to see more about this. Very resourceful!
Would love to do this with my 2nd grade art students as gifts for Mother's Day. I'd be interested in buying the instructions.
Hi, I would love a tutorial for making these flowers and the clocks too! Thanks, Jackie
ps did you write the book?
LOVE these but am not at all crafty. Do you sell these in bunches??
LOVE these but am not at all crafty. Do you sell these in bunches??
I would love to have instructions!!
Yes, please! I would love instructions!
I would really like instructions!! Im moving and want to brighten up my new house with year round flowers!!
I would love to make these flowers with my daughters, can you please let me know how to get the instructions for them?
I would love instructions or to possibly buy some.
I am making a bouquet for Valentine's day and would love to know how you made these. So far I have several types of flower, three styles in wood and one made from old cds. Your's look great, please, any advice would be helpful.
Did you do instructions for these? Would love to do some with my Grandkids for their Moms for Mother's Day
I am very interested in instructions for making plastic bottle flowers. There's not much out there that looks this finished. Most of it looks like stuff you pulled out of the trash, yours do not. Please share!
I am very interested in instructions for these flowers. Have you printed/ published them anywhere?nancy@benerofes.com
I work with English Language Learner children doing recycled art projects.
Thank you
Hi. I'd like to order the instructons for the pop bottle flowers, if you can share the info on how to do it. Thanks
Would love to give the flowers a try. Please send me instructions. THX
They look fantastic...
Since I don't speek English thaaat good, I don't understand, did you post any instructions or not??
one thing i must tell you that i have found your blog very artistic. n i've been a big fan of flowers.
Wholesale Flowers
would love a tutorial....kristen
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